COMOS Logical

COMOS Inspection

Intelligent service management with COMOS Inspection.


COMOS Inspection enables continuous material testing in interaction with other COMOS applications.


  • Complete integration into the COMOS system
  • More efficiency due to interaction with other applications
  • Data collected in the field can be integrated into COMOS
  • Automatic status calculation of components reduces workload

Design and function

With the help of COMOS Isometrics, you can use COMOS Inspection to precisely determine and specify the inspection points for scheduled measurements. These inspection points can be summarized into round tours in conjunction with COMOS MRO. Measurements on the defined inspection points of the components are made on-site with mobile ultrasound or x-ray devices. The measured values, such as the condition of the welded seams, corrosion, etc, are fed directly into the COMOS system via an interface. An automatic analysis takes place, based on which the condition of the components is determined and the progression of the condition is pre-calculated by COMOS. The important information on the condition and predicted life span of the components can then be represented in COMOS in all document types.

Security information

To ensure the secure operation of a plant or machine it is also necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and to integrate the automation and drive components into a state-of-the-art holistic industrial security concept for the entire plant or machine. Any third-party products that may be in use must also be taken into account.